Jack Fenton was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia last year at the age of 17.

Jack Fenton sitting on hospital bed

Jack Fenton was diagnosed last year at the age of 17.

He received treatment and entered remission, but a few weeks ago, a week before his 18th birthday, Jack and his family received the devastating news that his Leukaemia had relapsed.

Jack desperately needs a Stem Cell Transplant within the next 8 weeks and the donor will have to be an absolute match to Jack for it to work.

There is little awareness about becoming a Stem Cell Donor and a shortage of people on the register, so Jack's family are bravely working to raise the profile of this, what can be done to get more donors and how very simple it is to be tested.

It's free, a swab kit is sent to you and you take a non-invasive swab from inside your mouth and send it back.

There are 2 registers in the UK which provide this, Anthony Nolan and DKMS.

Once the sample is received by freepost, it is analysed and your details are added to the UK stem cell registry anonymously.

Your details will then be part of blood stem cell donor searches for people all over the world who need a genetic match to get a second chance at life.

Links to the Anthony Nolan Trust and DMKS websites are found here:



Jack's family are also fundraising to help towards his treatment here:

On behalf of Jack and his family, thank you.

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