Student wearing mask outside College building

Following the guidance from the Department for Education, recommending students will be required to wear a face mask in classrooms, we’ve put together our top tips and interviewed a student to hear their thoughts about the return of face-to-face learning.

Dan Gradwell, currently studying Public Services at SCG, is medically exempt from wearing a face mask, set himself a challenge over Christmas to be comfortable wearing a face mask. “I’m medically exempt from wearing a mask but I wanted to challenge myself to see if I could wear one. It is important to me as I want to protect others,” said Dan, aged 18.

“I was anxious and felt claustrophobic at first, but I told myself to do it in stages and time myself to see how long I can last. I started in my bedroom and focused on my breathing and built up to wear it comfortably for six hours. I was shocked and amazed at myself. I know not everyone is able to do what I’ve done, but I am very proud of myself to be able to wear a mask going forward and protect my loved ones.”

Dan, previously of Corbet School, also says he is looking forward to all students returning to face-to-face learning. “I’ve been attending college since January as I’ve enjoyed having the routine and support in class. I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of my friends return to college.”


Here are our tips for wearing a face mask:

How to safety wear a mask

·       Wash your hands before you put on your mask or take it off

·       Make sure the mask fits snugly, so there aren’t any gaps between the material and your face

·       Ensure the mask covered both your mouth and nose

·       Do no use a mask if it damaged or damp


How do I stop my glasses from fogging up?
Glasses can steam up when you wear a mask because your warm breath comes out of the top of the mask, hitting the cooler lenses and clouding them up. The best prevention is a well-fitting mask with a wire nose bridge that stops air from escaping upwards.
The opticians Specsavers recommends resting your glasses on top of your mask to help seal any gap, or using a piece of surgical tape to secure the mask to the bridge of your nose.

Treat your mask like your socks!
‘Some people have said you should think of your masks like your socks - having a new one every day.’ It’s a good idea to have more than one mask, that way you can wear a clean one while the other is in the wash.

Disposable face coverings
If you prefer to wear surgical, disposable face masks, make sure you wear a new one every day and correctly dispose of the face mask in a general waste bin or litter bin once you’ve worn it.

Take care of you skin
Make sure your mask is made from breathable material such as cotton or silk-lined masks. A mask made from soft fabric will sit on your skin without any discomfort, making you less likely to fiddle with it. At the end of the day make sure to properly cleanse and moisturise your face.