The college’s Board of Governors (also known as the Corporation) is responsible for:

  • the leadership and oversight of the College – it plays a strategic role; and
  • the educational outcome of the College

The main roles and responsibilities (as determined by the Instruments and Articles) are summed up as follows:

  • the determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of the institution and for the oversight of its activities
  • approving the quality strategy of the institution
  • the effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the institution and the Board and for safeguarding their assets
  • approving annual estimates of income and expenditure
  • the appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and determination of the pay and conditions of service of the holders of senior posts and the Clerk including, where the Clerk is or is to be appointed as, a member of staff, the Clerk’s appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and determination of pay in the capacity of a member of staff
  • setting a framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other staff.

Other areas that are considered by the Board include:

  • Monitoring and evaluating the College's activities and services
  • strategic planning of long term issues as well as the short and medium-term
  • involvement in the recruitment of senior post holders and the Clerk
  • promoting the College (where appropriate)
  • assessing the effectiveness of the Board (self-assessment)
  • ensuring compliance with legislation and policies adopted by the Board.

All Governors can only be contacted through the Clerk to the Governors - Tracy Cottee by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or postal enquiries sent for the Clerk’s attention to:

Shrewsbury Colleges Group
London Road Campus

Shrewsbury Colleges Group - Exempt Charity Status

Sixth-form college corporations are the legal entities that operate one or more colleges.

The status of the corporation is both:

Every college has charitable status (for the charitable purpose of advancing education) and so is subject to the requirements of the Charities Act. Further education (FE) corporations and sixth form college (SFC) corporations are classified as 'exempt' charities (Schedule 3 to the Charities Act 2011). An exempt charity has charitable status and is required to comply with charity law, but unlike other charities, they are not regulated by the Charity Commissioners but by a separate regulator – in the case of further education and sixth form corporations, the Department for Education (DfE).

What is a ‘Corporation’?

Colleges operate within a national framework, which is set by legislation and by Government and its agencies.
Every college is under the overall direction of a governing body known as the Corporation. A FE or sixth-form college is an activity through which the corporation achieves its charitable purpose. The college is not a separate legal entity from the corporation. Colleges with statutory corporate bodies have a legal identity that is distinct from the identities of the governors or members. This legal identity facilitates the ability of a college to assume liabilities, rights and duties in its own name.

In Shrewsbury College’s Group’s case, the governing body is a sixth form college corporation established under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992. This Act removed colleges from local authority control and set them up as freestanding public bodies. Corporations are empowered by Section 18 of the Act for the charitable purpose of advancing education.

The Act requires every college to have an Instrument and Articles of Government setting out how it will conduct its business. Schedule 4 to the Act (which was substantially revised by the Education Act of 2011, pages 115 and 116) states what the Instrument and Articles must include.

More information on exempt charities is available here.

This explanation is required under Paragraph 72 of the Office for Students.

Become a Governor

If you would like to know more about the work of the Board and are interested in becoming a governor, please contact the Clerk for more information or complete the enclosed and send to the Clerk at the address above.

Governor Application Form

Student Governors

Student engagement is vital to the work of the Governing Body when it comes to improving the quality of teaching and learning and the student experience, and indeed wider governance issues in relation to the College. It is the day-to-day practice, people and resources that enable students to be effective and fully involved in relation to the College’s decision making processes.

Student Governors are a vital part of the college’s Learner Voice. They work closely with the Student Council, to ensure the Board is made aware of issues affecting students, and that student experience is an integral part of all the Corporation’s decision-making. Find out more about the role of a Student Governor.


  • Graham Mills

    Graham Mills Board Chair

    Graham is a Workplace Pensions Consultant. He is a former TSB/Lloyds Bank Commercial Manager.

  • Prof. Julian Barratt

    Prof. Julian Barratt Independent Governor

    Julian is a clinical academic nurse practitioner who is the Regional Faculty Lead for the Centre for Advancing Practice and Midlands Regional Faculty Lead for Advancing Practice with NHSE Workforce, Training, and Education, an Honorary Professor in the College of Health and Life Sciences at Aston University, and also volunteers as a nurse with a charity, Festival Medical Services.

  • Aggie Caesar-Homden

    Aggie Caesar-Homden Independent Governor

    Aggie is Mid-Wales Regional Skills Partnership Manager.

  • Stefan Greco

    Stefan Greco Staff Governor (Academic)

    Curriculum Manager – Art & Design at the English Bridge Campus.

  • Rob Harrison

    Rob Harrison Independent Governor

    Rob has over 40 yrs. of experience working in the FE Sector, undertaking various posts from Lecturer to Executive Manager/Consultant, specialising in MIS and IT Systems Management.

  • Matthew Hartland

    Matthew Hartland Parent Governor

    Matthew is currently Chief Executive of an NHS Trust in the Black Country.  He is a qualified accountant and has been a Board member in the NHS for over 10 years in roles including Chief Finance Officer, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Executive.

  • Joycelin Hoyland

    Joycelin Hoyland Vice Chair of Board

    Joycelin is the Safeguarding Link Governor.

  • Maia Llewellyn

    Maia Llewellyn Student Governor (16-19)

    Maia is a second-year A level student.

  • Andrew Prichard

    Andrew Prichard Independent Governor

    Andrew is a Retired Consultant Otolaryngologist/Head & Neck Surgeon. He spent considerable time in hospital leadership at Board Level and as Acting Chief Executive. He has extensive experience of working in and understanding the public sector, with over 43 years NHS service. He is a member of the Quality, Standards & Curriculum Committee.

  • Andrew Robertson

    Andrew Robertson Higher Education Student Governor

    Andrew is a first-year PGCE Student. 

  • Rex Sartain

    Rex Sartain Independent Governor

    Rex is a School Bursar and retired Lieutenant Colonel. Rex is the Board’s Health & Safety Link Governor. Rex is the Board’s representative on the Radbrook Foundation Board.

  • Colin Sharp

    Colin Sharp Independent Governor

    Colin has over 20 years’ FCA qualified with recent experience in a Finance Director role for a £28m turnover company in the manufacturing / retail sector. He is Chair of the Audit Committee.

  • James Staniforth

    James Staniforth Principal & CEO

    Marches Local Enterprise Partnership Representative.

  • Mike Thompson

    Mike Thompson Independent Governor

    Mike joined the Board in November 2019. He is a former Parent Governor (London Road Campus).

  • Paula Tucker

    Paula Tucker Staff Governor (Support)

    Paula is the Progression Specialist for our Creative Arts and Media students, based at our English Bridge Campus.

  • Janine Vernon

    Janine Vernon Independent Governor

    Janine has extensive education sector experience, incorporating both learning and skills. In addition, to experience as a teacher, she is a former post-16 learning and skills lead working with 11-18 schools, colleges, and training providers across Shropshire.

Policies, Documents & Minutes

Corporation and Committee Organisation and Membership Chart from 1 August 2024


Membership = All Governors
Julian Barratt, Aggie Caesar-Homden, Stefan Greco, Rob Harrison, Matthew Hartland, Joycelin Hoyland (Board Vice Chair), Maia Llewellyn, Graham Mills (Board Chair), Andrew Prichard, Andrew Robertson, Rex Sartain, Colin Sharp, James Staniforth (Principal/Chief Executive), Mike Thompson, Paula Tucker, Janine Vernon.


G Mills (Chair)
M. Hartland
J. Hoyland
J. Staniforth
P. Tucker

SLT attendance: Executive Director of Finance
Vice Principal, People


J. Barratt
R. Harrison
R. Sartain
C. Sharp (Chair)
M. Thompson

SLT attendance: Executive Director of Finance


J. Barratt
A. Caesar-Homden
G. Mills
S. Greco
R. Harrison
A Prichard
J. Vernon
Co-opted members:
student governors

SLT attendance: Vice Principal, A Levels
Vice Principal, Quality, Apprenticeships & Information
Vice Principal, Technical & Vocational
Vice Principal, Students
Director of Quality, Teaching & Learning Enhancement.


J. Hoyland
G. Mills
J. Staniforth
J. Vernon
SLT attendance – Nil


J. Barratt
J. Hoyland
G. Mills
C. Sharp

SLT attendance: Vice Principal, People

Governor Links – J. Barratt – Apprenticeships & Careers, R. Harrison - EDI, J. Hoyland – Safeguarding, R. Sartain – H&S, C. Sharp – Audit & Risk
Nominees to Radbrook Foundation – J. Staniforth and vacancy

The Determination of the Corporation is 19. There are currently 3 vacancies.