Start of term information 


Due to an unprecedented level of late applications to study at the college from September, we would like to inform students that new term timetables will be available as follows:

Student Group

Timetable available

Term start date

Year 1 A Level & Art students

Sunday, 1 September

Wednesday, 4 September

Year 1 Vocational course students

Sunday, 1 September

Monday, 2 September

Year 2 A Level & Art students

Sunday, 1 September

Mon 2 or Tues 3, September

Year 2 Vocational course students

Sunday, 1 September

Monday, 9 September

Higher Education course students

Monday, 2 September

Monday, 9 September


To be confirmed by employer

Monday, 9 September

Timetables – Year 1 students

For first-year students starting academic and art courses, the induction schedule and course timetable will be available on the MySCG app from Sunday, 1 September, but please note that there may be slight adjustments made to the timetable on Monday so students should recheck at the end of Monday afternoon.

Students starting vocational courses will receive their induction timetable via the MySCG app, and their course timetable for the rest of the year will be issued after induction through the MySCG app.

If you don’t have your induction timetable, please contact the Admissions Team on 01743 342 342 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   before 3pm on Monday 2 September.


Timetables – Year 2 students

For students returning to college in September, your timetables will be available on the MySCG app from Sunday, 1 September.

Please note that the timetables for the first week of studies may differ from the second week, so please keep checking your app for details.


Timetables – Higher Education students

The timetable for the Higher Education students will be available in the week commencing Monday, 2 September, but students will be emailed directly with further information, and it will be available on the MySCG app.


Timetables - Apprenticeships

Apprenticeship courses begin the week commencing Monday, 9 September, and employers will inform the apprentices of which day they will be required to attend college. Apprentices starting this year should report to the main reception at the London Road Campus, where their Assessors will meet them on their designated day.

Please send any queries regarding timetables to the Admissions team by 3pm on Friday, 6 September.

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