
There were lots of smiles on the banks of the River Severn this morning, as students from Shrewsbury Colleges Group received their A Level results – with a 100% pass rate from 24 subjects.
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Students studying BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Travel and Tourism at Shrewsbury Colleges Group decided that Krakow, Poland was the place for their overseas residential trip and chose COGO Travel as the company to take them.
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It is well recognised that higher education students are amongst the most discerning group of consumers, particularly when it comes to their chosen course and college. It is for this reason that the annual National Students Survey (NSS) is so revealing when it comes to understanding the true performance levels demonstrated by higher education establishments.
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Riding high on its recent registration with the Office for Students, which positively endorses the provision of Higher Education in colleges and universities, Shrewsbury Colleges Group is pleased to announce it has achieved a Bronze Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) accreditation.
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For the third year running Shrewsbury Colleges Group restaurant, Origins, has secured a Highly Commended Rosette Award from the AA College Rosettes Scheme for the highest accolade it can achieve.
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Music Technology students at Shrewsbury Colleges Group were rewarded for their efforts at their annual awards ceremony on Thursday - with one scooping the main accolade, named after former Charlatans’ drummer, the late Jon Brookes.
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A Level and vocational students from Shrewsbury Colleges Group have put on their combined end-of-year Art and Design show for the second time since the college’s merger.
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A Level and vocational students from Shrewsbury Colleges Group have put on their combined end-of-year Art and Design show for the second time since the college’s merger.
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A Level students from Shrewsbury Colleges Group picked up Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards at Buckingham Palace – something only 10% of those who set out to start it actually achieve.
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It’s official: the former A Level students of Shrewsbury Colleges Group are more likely to gain top First and Upper Second Class degrees than their nationwide counterparts. This includes students from both the grammar and independent sectors.
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