Mode of study Apprenticeship
Duration 2 Years
Campus London Road Campus
Start date 1 August 2022
Course code PLR3USH (APPO)
Samantha Pitchford

Samantha Pitchford

Level 2 Fabrication and Welding
Previous school: Charlton School

I’m a practical person, so I wanted to do something with my hands.  I didn’t have any experience before, but the teachers were really good at guiding me through.  I’m a bit of a perfectionist, so the fact that the staff let me work to my own pace really helped.  I have now secured an Apprenticeship with Caterpillar in Shrewsbury, and I can see myself being there for some time.  I’m sure it wouldn’t have happened unless I’d been on this course as at my interview they seemed really impressed with what I was doing.

Jason Roberts

Jason Roberts

A Level Product Design (Maths, Physics)
Previous school: The Priory School

Product Design gives you a lot of options for your future. I enjoyed the project where we had to make something out of a generic Ikea stool – I created an adjustable table. After College I would like to do an Apprenticeship with JLR.

Chloe Millington

Chloe Millington

Engineering Apprentice at Ricoh

I studied Product Design at A Level and really enjoyed it. Taking on an Engineering Apprenticeship seemed like the natural progression from that, and I’ve appreciated every minute of it. It is great working for Ricoh and being able to study at SCG, as I get so many opportunities, such as taking part in WorldSkills.

Gemma Elliot

Gemma Elliot

Foundation Degree in Electrical and Electronics Technology
Previous Institution: Llanfyllin High School

My Foundation Degree is funded by the engineering firm James Fisher. I’m learning so much and absolutely loving it.

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